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Mammoth Wül Care

Easy Mammoth Wül Care


Like you, we’d rather be outside playing than inside doing laundry. So we’ve made most of our products easy care; you can throw them in the washer and the dryer right along with the rest of your clothes.


How do I care for my Mammoth Wül products?

For best results, please follow the care instructions that come with each product we make. Check either the product’s packaging, or its care tag for instructions.

How do I wash Mammoth Wül SOCKS?
SmartWool socks are machine washable with cool or warm water. Tumble dry on low. To lengthen the life of your socks, it’s best to turn them inside out before throwing them in the washing machine.

What about Mammoth Wül BASELAYER?
NTS baselayer may be machine-washed with cool or warm water. Tumble dry on low.

What do I do with my MIDLAYER, APPAREL, and ACCESSORIES?
For midlayer, apparel and accessories, please find the care tag inside the garment.



Should I use fabric softeners?
We recommend you do not use fabric softeners, because they coat the Merino wool fibers and reduce the fibers’ ability to naturally manage moisture and regulate your body temperature.

Can I bleach Mammoth Wül products?
Step away from the bleach….
Chlorine will destroy the Merino wool fibers that make up Mammoth Wül products.

How much wool is in Mammoth Wül products?
Every product is different and the contents might change slightly over time.  For specific content information, check out the product’s packaging.